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Linea contenitori pieghevoli in metallo Sall

Folding Stillages

Sall manufactures Industrial Folding Steel Stillages that enable storage space optimization and a significant reduction of transport costs thanks to both the folding Design and the Stackability when in use.
Models of this Line have a considerable loading capacity which ranges from 800 to 1000Kg depending on the model, and when not in use they can be stored inside a reduced space: once folded, in fact, their dimensions correspond to 1/3 of their actual size.

All of Sall Folding Steel Stillages Models are produced with anti-cutting Design, fundamental to prevent injuries during manual operations such as opening and closing/ folding.

Stainless Steel or Galvanized Steel Folding Stillages can be produced on request. Other accessories are available such as protective lids for protection, and separating panels for a practical organization into compartments of the materials inside. Sall also offers Colour Customization Service according to Customer requests for all models.

Technical features:

  • Folding Sheet Steel or Mesh Steel Structure
  • Traceable and Certified Steel quality
  • Anti-cutting Design
  • Stackability at full load (1+2 from heavier to lighter)
    Always read carefully the given Data Sheet for correct handling and stacking.
  • Galvanization or Powder-coating process for maximum resistance to rust, corrosion and weather conditions

Benefits of Sall Folding Steel Stillages

  • Saving space and transport costs
  • Storage Space optimization thanks to the folding and stackable structure
  • Can be handled with forklift truck and transpallet
  • Convenient transport and storage of materials, both on trucks and inside industrial Facilities
  • Manual operation safety thanks to Sall anti-cutting design
  • Easy and safe closing/ opening

Folding Mesh Stillages with feet and half drop front – Capacity 800 / 1000 kg

Contenitore pieghevole in rete metallica con piedi e porta lato lungo Portata 1000 Kg

Technical data – Models with 1000 kg loading capacity

Misure contenitori metallici Sall
Art. n. A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) Portata (Kg)
SR159 1000 800 620 100 45 1000
SR160 1200 800 620 100 45 1000
SR161 1200 1000 820 100 45 1000
SR162 1500 1000 970 100 45 1000
VERSIONE: Serie Pesante
COLORI STANDARD: Arancione, Blu, Verde, Grigio, Azzurro
PORTE: Porta lato lungo
PARETI: In rete di acciaio
Contenitore pieghevole in filo di metallo

Technical data: Folding wire pallet cages – Capacity 800 kg.

Misure contenitori metallici Sall
Art. n. A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) Portata (Kg)
SR194 1240 800 810 150 - 800
VERSIONE: Serie leggera
COLORI STANDARD: Arancione, Blu, Verde, Grigio, Azzurro
PORTE: Porta lato lungo
PARETI: In filo di acciaio

Folding Sheet stillages with feet

Contenitore pieghevole in lamiera con piedi e porta lato lungo Portata 1000 Kg

Technical data models with feet and door long side – Capacity 1000 kg

Misure contenitori metallici Sall
Art. n. A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) Portata (Kg)
SL159 1000 800 620 100 45 1000
SL160 1200 800 620 100 45 1000
SL161 1200 1000 820 100 45 1000
SL162 1500 1000 970 100 45 1000
VERSIONE: Serie Pesante
COLORI STANDARD: Arancione, Blu, Verde, Grigio, Azzurro
BASE D'APPOGGIO: Slitte lato lungo
PORTE: Porta lato lungo
PARETI: In lamiera di acciaio
Contenitore pieghevole in lamiera di acciaio con slitte lato lungo e coperchio Portata 1000 kg

Technical data models with lid and skids long side – Capacity 1000 kg

Misure contenitori metallici Sall
Art. n. A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) Portata (Kg)
SLC400 1200 800 410 120 65 1000
SLC800 1200 800 795 120 65 1000
VERSIONE: Serie Pesante
COLORI STANDARD: Arancione, Blu, Verde, Grigio, Azzurro
BASE D'APPOGGIO: Slitte lato lungo
PORTE: Senza porta
PARETI: In lamiera di acciaio

Contact Us

Via dei Prati Vecchi, 37
42025 Cavriago (Reggio Emilia) – Italy

Tel.: +39 0522 941430

Customer Service: info@sall.it

Sales Department: offerte@sall.it

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