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Linea contenitori metallici a bocca di lupo

Chute Front Picking Stillages

Sall chute front stillages are designed and build for easy and time-saving picking operations as well as to allow the most efficient warehouse organization and logistics.
These picking bins allows streamlined operations, particularly for the handling of compact items, small components and materials.
Within industrial production facilities and dynamic production lines a rapid accessibility is paramount, and that’s precisely where Sall chute front stillages take the stage thanks to their unique unti-cut and easy-access design.
The structural robustness ensures your materials stay securely stored while being conveniently within reach.

Choose among the standard models, featuring either boxed feet or skid bases and certified load capacity that ranges from 500 up to 1000 Kg accordin to the version.

We understand that each operation is unique based on the type of industry, products and processes. We’re thus proud to offer you the best custom-made chute front stillages tailored on your business necessities.
From stainless steel to galvanized steel up to solutions for automatic picking, our solutions are as diverse as your needs.

Contenitore metallico a bocca di lupo su lato corto e con slitte su lato lungo

Technical data – Chute front picking bins with skids on long side – Capacity 500 kg

Misure contenitori bocca di lupo Sall
Art. n. A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) Portata (Kg)
SL201 630 450 230 100 40 500
VERSIONE: Serie leggera
COLORI STANDARD: Arancione, Blu, Verde, Grigio, Azzurro
BASE D'APPOGGIO: Slitte lato lungo
PORTE: Bocca di lupo
PARETI: In lamiera saldata
Contenitore a bocca di lupo su lato lungo e slitte lato corto in metallo

Technical data – Chute front picking bins with skids on short side – Capacity 600 kg

Misure contenitori bocca di lupo Sall
Art. n. A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) Portata (Kg)
SL011 800 600 410 130 65 600
VERSIONE: Serie leggera
COLORI STANDARD: Arancione, Blu, Verde, Grigio, Azzurro
BASE D'APPOGGIO: Slitte lato corto
PORTE: Bocca di lupo
PARETI: In lamiera saldata
Contenitore metallico bocca di lupo con slitte lato corto

Technical data – Chute storage stillage with skids on short side – Capacity 1000 kg

Misure contenitori bocca di lupo Sall
Art. n. A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) Portata (Kg)
SL018 1000 800 500 130 65 1000
SL083 1000 800 650 130 65 1000
SL084 1200 800 650 130 65 1000
VERSIONE: Serie pesante
COLORI STANDARD: Arancione, Blu, Verde, Grigio, Azzurro
BASE D'APPOGGIO: Slitte lato corto
PORTE: Bocca di lupo
PARETI: In lamiera saldata
Contenitore a bocca di lupo con piedi Portata 1000 Kg

Technical data – Chute storage stillage bins with boxed feet – Capacity 1000 kg

Misure contenitori bocca di lupo Sall
Art. n. A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) Portata (Kg)
SL130 800 500 500 100 - 1000
VERSIONE: Serie pesante
COLORI STANDARD: Arancione, Blu, Verde, Grigio, Azzurro
PORTE: Bocca di lupo
PARETI: In lamiera saldata

Contact Us

Via dei Prati Vecchi, 37
42025 Cavriago (Reggio Emilia) – Italy

Tel.: +39 0522 941430

Customer Service: info@sall.it

Sales Department: offerte@sall.it

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